5 Helpful Tips to Prevent Heartburn Between Meals
Do you frequently have a burning feeling in your stomach after eating? Excessive acid reflux is the cause of this. When the sphincter muscle at the bottom of the esophagus relaxes inappropriately, sto...

Do you often experience a burning sensation in your stomach after meals? This is due to excessive acid reflux, where the muscle at the bottom of your esophagus relaxes inappropriately, allowing stomach acid to flow back up into the esophagus. This can lead to symptoms like heartburn. Persistent or frequent reflux can result in GERD, so it is important to find ways to prevent acidity after eating. In-between meal acidity is often caused by an excess of stomach acid, which can irritate the stomach or esophagus lining when the stomach continues to produce acid without food to digest.

Common triggers for acidity identified by Dr. Pradeepta Sethy include irregular eating patterns, stress, smoking, excessive caffeine consumption, and spicy or fatty foods. Conditions like GERD and peptic ulcers can also play a role. Skipping meals may worsen acidity as the stomach becomes more sensitive to its own acid when empty. Overuse of painkillers like NSAIDs can further irritate the stomach lining.

Dr. Udipta Ray suggests the following tips to alleviate in-between meal acidity:

1. Avoid fasting for more than two hours, opting for small meals or snacks every two hours, with a preference for bland foods.

2. Take your time to eat, chew thoroughly, and savor the flavors.

3. Avoid acidic and carbonated foods, opting for foods like curds, milkshakes, or yogurt that aid digestion.

4. Reduce the use of excessive oil in cooking and prepare curries with less oil.

5. Focus on relaxation and stress management, as worry and tension can worsen acidity.

Acid buildup on an empty stomach can occur when digestion juices accumulate during extended periods without food.Not eating for extended periods can lead to acid reflux and heartburn. Therefore, it is important to eat at regular meal times to prevent these problems in the long run. Here are tips for ensuring your child is eating a heart-healthy meal.